Kuidas kirjutada teadustööd
Vabandan, ei hakka seda siia tõlkima ega ümber kopeerimagi. Ja tegelikult pole ma seda veel ise läbi lugenudki. Aga pealkiri on intrigeeriv, ja mulle tsiteeriti kahte lõiku:
Nominally, science involves discovering something new about the Universe, but this isn't really necessary. What is really necessary is a grant.
Ja veel:
Now it's time for the actual research. You will quickly find out that (a) your project is not as simple as you thought it would be and (b) you can't actually solve the problem. However -- and this is very important -- you must publish anyway.
väga hea soovitus - you must publish anyway - see oli kõige parem... my thoughts exactly
Palun, võta ise sõna!